Organic Bananas – Cavendish 750g



ACO Certified Organic & Australian Grown – 3-6 per 750g – Cavendish Bananas contain Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, Folate, Copper, Riboflavin, Niacin & Pantothenic Acid

Did you know? 

Cavendish Bananas are the most commonly sold banana in Australia. The name stems from Lord Cavendish who was given two banana plants from Mauritius, and then grew them in his gardens in England. The gardens are now Kew Gardens. The Cavendish banana plants were further distributed around the world by a missionary named Williams – hence their other common name, ‘Williams’

Chimps prefer Organic Bananas!

chimp2-300x199.jpgAt Denmarks Copenhagen zoo, when chimpanzee’s are given both conventional and organic bananas, the chimps first ate the organic ones, skins and all!

The conventional ones they peeled first before eating, nature doesn’t lie folks! read more about my research quoted in the media

Try freezing peeled bananas (freeze on an oven tray – store in a plastic bag). Blend up with raspberries or blueberries, peanut paste, some milk (choose from cows/rice/soy) with a couple of drops of vanilla essence and honey (if you have a serious sweet tooth). End result – a lovely thick shake/icecream.