Organic Crisp Bread – Spelt Plain 160g (Britts)



Britt’s Original Organic Spelt Crisp bread retains its original, ancient form, but now comes with a newer, cracker-like consistency, giving it a longer shelf life than leavened (sourdough, yeast or soda) breads or even some home-made savoury crackers.  Britt’s spelt crisp bread is perfect as a pocket-sized snack, giving you all the nutrients without the surplus calories of other snacks, without the preservatives.

Ingredients: Organic wholemeal spelt flour, organic white spelt flour, certified organic non-hydrogenated palm fruit oil, unrefined sea salt, 30% filtered water. 

Britt’s Organic ONLY uses sustainable certified organic palm oil, from Daabon Organic (ECOCERT, ACO – 10126w) which is manufactured on established plantations in South America.  This product is made on premises that also manufacture products containing peanut, almond, macadamias and walnuts.

Made on the Gold Coast, Queensland, from at least 95% Australian ingredients.